Friday, November 6, 2009




Microarrays are micro-chips used in molecular biology and medecine to achieve a lot of useful tests including gene expression.

To inderstand this technology, we should put a thing in our minds, wich is:
1- Not all the genome codes for proteines.
2- Not all genes always turned on.

We use the term Gene Expression to describe the transcription of the information containes within the DNA into mRNA, which is after translated to proteines.

Scientists have to study these genes to identify which of theme are expressed and which are not.

Gene expression is a highly complex and tightly regulated process that allows a cell to respond dynamically both to environmental stimuli and to its own changing needs.

This mechanism acts as both an "on/off" switch to control which genes are expressed in a cell as well as a "volume control" that increases or decreases the level of expression of particular genes as necessary.

So thats what DNA microarrays are used for.

To inderstand such a process, there is nothing better then animations...!

Here are some animation that i found very useful to fully understand Microarrays:

Note: The first animation is pretty simple and good for beginners:




Any question, you're welcome.


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