Friday, January 29, 2010

List of the most popular and useful Databases in Bioinformatics


List of the most popular and useful Databases in Bioinformatics

As Biological data is growing every day, maintaining this huge amount of data has became hard, so i'll give you what i call the best organized and maintained bioinformatics databases.

Genbank on NCBI : this database is the most powerful in bioinformatics because its designed for every thing : proteins genes genomes, structures, ………etc.
To visit NCBI click HERE.

Swissprot: if your query is a protein sequence i advise you to use SwissProt that is located on the expasy proteomics server, in addition you'll find dozens of useful programs that you can use to analyze your sequence.
To visit swissprot or the expasy proteomics server click HERE.

Integrated Microbial Genomes: this database is for complete genomes, i like it because its very organized and anyone can get used to it in a few minutes
To visit the Integrated Microbial Genomes click HERE.

TIGR: The Institute for Genomic Research founded by Craig Venter is a project for complete bacterial genomes, if you are a microbiologist, then this database is exactly for you, in addition to the database, bioinformaticiens working in the TIGR project had developped a set of very useful tools to analyses the database genomes such as : GLIMMER, MUMer...etc.
To visit TIGR project click HERE.

Enssembl: for me its the best database for complete genomes because it containes a lot of graphic tools for interpreting and analyzing data, that means that you don't get boared while exploring it,all is visual!!!.
To visit Enssembl click HERE.

There are more databases and project on the internet, but i found these databases very helpful in my reasearch.

If you have more useful databases or projects you can post it in the comment section.


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