Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bioinformatics:Phylogeny: What Phylogenetic Trees can do for you?


Bioinformatics:Phylogeny: What Phylogenetic Trees can do for you?

As you know the purpose of phylogeny is to construct a history of life to better understand it, the main ourpose of phylogeny is to groupe organisms according to their similarities.

Genes mutates over time and changes, we mean by that EVOLUTION, that's why there are a lot of species (Diversity) on earth, and that's when Phylogenetics become an indispensable science to Bioinformatics especially Phylogeny.

Phylogenetics is a science that is part of phylogeny and that relies on the comparison of many species genes to find out which species are more related to others and to construct a tree of these species.

To better understand Phylogenetic trees you can read this post HERE.
To learn how to use Bioinformatics tools of constructing phylogenetic trees (As PHYLIP) you can read this post HERE.

Phylogenetic Trees can do:

1- Determining the most relative organism to yours your studying.

2- Determining the function of a gene by looking at its relatives (Orthologous genes).

3- Determining genes family.

4- Finding out about the origin of the gene you're studying.


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