Friday, December 18, 2009

Bioinformatics: PHYLogeny Inference Package (PHYLIP)


Bioinformatics: PHYLogeny Inference Package (PHYLIP)

PHYLIP or the PHYlogeny Inference Package is a package that contains a lot of programs for infering Phylogenies or by simple words constructing Phylogenetic or Evolutionary Trees.

The Package contains a lot of useful programs and above all of that its free and you can get it from its website from HERE

The Programs contained in the PHYLIP Package can estimate Phylogenies from Protein sequences or Nucleic Acid sequences with different methods (parsimony, maximum likelihood...etc)

It was and still very helpful for Bioinformaticiens and Phylogeny scientists and students as it can provide a complete environment for Phylogeny .

You can read the documentation file from HERE.

Any questions you're welcome.


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