Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How studying rRNA can help us studying evolution in Bioinformatics


How studying rRNA can help us studying evolution in Bioinformatics

Many of you are asking, how scientists have made an approximate tree of life that have almost all discovered species, well this is the answer:

In Evolutionary Bioinformatics scientists have tried to find a gene that exists in all living organisms, well the very appropriate gene in this case will be the rRNA coding gene.

rRNA or ribosomal RNA is the central component of the ribosome, its where proteines are manufactured in all living organisms, it's the one that interacts with tRNA or Transfert RNA to produce a protein from amino acids and mRNA or messenger RNA.

So the main criteria to study evolution is finding a conserved gene that exists in all living organisms, so the main thing scientists do when they discover new bacterium for example is to sequence its rRNA to identify its taxonomic group and estimate rates of species divergence.

As rRNAs have played and are playing a major role in Evolutionary Bioinformatrics, scientists and researchers have made specialized databases like RDP and the European database that have thousands of rRNA sequences stored.

Any question, comment.


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